Notification services can be implemented by dedicated modules. If implemented, notification services should follow the design pattern:
In order to combine entities from multiple microservices, GUID are used instead of Integers as unique Ids for the database. The workflow, for entity aggregator, is defined as follows:
The Basic Notification Service is built as a Windows service. Notification services can be differentiated between batch and continuous notifications.
The only state which is across multiple cycles is the timestamp of the first occurrence, in order to implement an alarm delay time. The general pattern of the continuous notifications is illustrated in the figure below:
stateDiagram-v2 [*] --> Request_Data DataSource --> Request_Data Request_Data --> DataSource Request_Data --> for_value_In_data: Group notification sensors per data source state for_value_In_data{ Notification_Conditions_Met --> TimestampFirstOccurence_has_value: Yes Notification_Conditions_Met --> TimestampFirstOccurence_has_value: Yes TimestampFirstOccurence_has_value TimestampFirstOccurence_has_value --> TimestampFirstOccurrence=NULL: No TimestampFirstOccurence_has_value --> TimestampFirstOccurrence=ObsId: No TimestampFirstOccurrence=ObsId --> Calculate_timediff Calculate_timediff --> TimeDiff>AlarmDelayTime TimeDiff>AlarmDelayTime --> Add_to_email_queue }
The Basic module implements continuous and batch notifications for single and equations. The general design pattern is always the same: the DCP database contains whole expressions, e.g. "@sensorWebId@ > 6". During every cycle, the @sensorWebId@ parts are replaced with the actual values from the data source. After the replacement, an expression evaluating to true or false is present, which can be used to check the notification conditions.
This service runs a timed loop with an execution cycle of 60 seconds. Within every loop execution, the following steps are performed:
Single and Equation notifications have independent check cycles, as data grouping is performed slightly different. For single parameters, only compressed/ data is requested in order to reduce the load on the underlying systems. The cycle as described above is executed. For equation notifications the request has to be done a little different as aligned timestamps for the sensor values are required in order to calculate the expression. Therefore, a nested request is needed in the first sub-request all the timestamps when values were recorded (indicating a change of values). With the 2nd sub-request interpolated values at all recorded timestamps are requested. This ensures that all events are safely evaluated in the right time context.
erDiagram Notification ||--o{ NotificationEquation : owns Notification ||--o{ NotificationSingleParameter : owns Notification ||--|| NotificationStatusCheck : uses Notification ||--|{ NotificationSubscribers : sends Notification { uniqueidentifier(16) ID "UniqueId" nvarchar(500) Title "User defined title for better identification" nvarchar Description "User definied detailed description" tinyint(1) Type "Enumeration for the type" nvarchar Filter "Global filter path to the notification to which the element is assigned" tinyint(1) Status "Enumeration for the status" datetime(8) ActivatedAt "Datetime of the (last) activation time" nvarchar(500) DeviceWebId "DeviceId on the datasource, used for retriving the batch context" int(4) SiteId "Relation to the site where the notification is linked to" tinyint(1) NotificationContext "Enumeration to identify the batch context behavior" tinyint(1) NotifcationCreationType "Flag, how the notification was created (user/system)" nvarchar Conditions "JSON object specifying the eventframe attribute conditions when to perform the checks" datetime2(8) SysStartTime datetime2(8) SysEndTime int(4) LastModifiedBy int(4) OwnerUserId } NotificationEquation { int(4) ID "UniqueId" uniqueidentifier(16) NotificationId "Relation to notification for title, description and other basic information" nvarchar(100) ConditionType "Relation to notification for title, description and other basic information" nvarchar(500) ConditionValue "Value to compare against, NULL if compared using ranges" nvarchar Expression "Expression evalated during the check, sensor references in @, numbers in #" nvarchar(500) RangeConditionLowerValue "Lower bound value of the range, to compare against" nvarchar(500) RangeConditionUpperValue "Upper bound value of the range, to compare against" nvarchar(500) AlarmDelay "The alarm delay time in seconds" datetime(8) TimeStampFirstOccuren "Datetime of the notification evaluating to true in UTC" datetime2(8) SysStartTime datetime2(8) SysEndTime int(4) LastModifiedBy int(4) OwnerUserId } NotificationSingleParameter { int(4) ID "UniqueId" uniqueidentifier(16) NotificationId "Relation to notification for title, description and other basic information" nvarchar(500) SensorWebId "UniqueId of the sensor on the datasource" nvarchar(100) ConditionType "Condition type used for the notification, can be greater, less, etc." decimal(9) ConditionValue "Value to compare against, NULL if compared using ranges" decimal(9) RangeConditionLowerValue "Lower bound value of the range, to compare against" decimal(9) RangeConditionUpperValue "Upper bound value of the range, to compare against" nvarchar(500) AlarmDelay "The alarm delay time in seconds" datetime(8) TimeStampFirstOccuren "datetime of the notification evaluating to true in UTC" datetime2(8) SysStartTime datetime2(8) SysEndTime int(4) LastModifiedBy int(4) OwnerUserId } NotificationStatusCheck { int(4) ID "UniqueId" uniqueidentifier(16) NotificationId "Relation to the notification" nvarchar EventFrameId "Unique id on the datasource for the active eventframe" tinyint(1) BatchMachingConditions "Enumeration, showing the match status between the attribute values of the current active eventframes and the defined conditions" } NotificationSubscribers { int(4) ID "UniqueId" uniqueidentifier(16) NotificationId "Relation to the notifications" int(4) UserId "Relation to the userId of the notification subscriber" datetime2(8) SysStartTime datetime2(8) SysEndTime int(4) LastModifiedBy int(4) OwnerUserId }
Records classification and audit trail
Specification | Value |
Content/Overview | State and definitions of basic (single and equation) notifications |
Data classification | Official records |
Change Tracking | SystemVersioned table features inside SQL |
Audit Trail | Module specific audit trails |
Retention period | 10 years |
For some functionality e.g. notifications, etc. end users need to be notified via a message channel. DCP Framework provides with a single service for sending messages to end users. The services currently uses E-mail as the delivery channel. All modules can send messages to end-users utilizing the internal message bus. The service will handle the delivery to the end-users.
Email Processor Service has the single responsibility for sending e-mails. All services/components can add messages to the CoreEmailQueue message queue. The e-mail processor service is reading from this queue and responsible for sending the messages with the exception handling in place. Historical data of all e-mail are stored with additional information and unhandled exceptions is stored in the database for debug and audit purposes.
Message Format
Templates E-mail templates are using HTML and CSS for formatting. Templates for HTML (user facing e-mails) are part of the backend project. To allow rendering in the Google Mail inbox no external libraries are used and images are embedded as base64 string. The templates contain placeholders, enclosed by the # character, for sections with dynamic data and these are replaced on runtime by the service triggering the message.
erDiagram EmailQueue { bigint(8) ID "UniqueId" datetime(8) ToSend "Datetime when the e-mail was added to the queue for sending" datetime(8) Sent "Datetime when the e-mail was sent via roche mail server" nvarchar Email "Main recipient" nvarchar CC "Mail addresses, to which users the mail should be sent" nvarchar Subject "Subject of the mail" nvarchar Body "HTML body of the e-mail" nvarchar Exception "Error message occured via sending the mail" }
Records classification and audit trail
Specification | Value |
Content/Overview | Log information of all messages sent by DCP, used for debugging and log information only |
Data classification | Convenience records |
Change Tracking | No change tracking |
Audit Trail | N/A |
Retention period | 3 years |